CCR Group has carried out numerous technical studies on climate change in the public interest. A sampling
of resources and reports appears in the bullets below. Please contact info@ccr-group.org for access to
request additional information on the resources below
Adaptation gaps in the Middle East and North Africa
Analysis of power supply GHG mitigation options for Minnesota's Climate Solutions and Economic Opportunities project
Local, National, and Regional Climate Change Programme (Abu Dhabi, UAE, Arabian Peninsula)
Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in the North Coast and Nile Delta Regions in Egypt (Approved funding proposal to the Green Climate Fund)
Terminal evaluation of the carbon benefits project: Modelling measurement and monitoring (China, Brazil, Niger, and Kenya case studies)
Rapid and Systematic Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment for Abu Dhabi, UAE and Arabian Peninsula
Climate Change Risks to Coastal Development and Adaptation Options in the Nile Delta
North Africa Regional Strategy Issue Note: Climate Change and the Environment Integration In North Africa: Issues and Options
Poverty Reduction at Risk: An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty Alleviation Activities in Ethiopia
Framework for Climate-Resilient, Green Growth Development in the Philippines
Improving Access to Financial & Technical Support for Non-Annex I National Communications: Issues, Strategies and Recommendations
Applications of Environmentally Sound Technologies for Adaptation to Climate Change
Technology to Understand and Manage Climate Risks
Methodology Guidebook for the Assessment of Investment and Financial Flows to Address Climate Change
Handbook for Conducting Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change, 2nd Edition
Technical Sourcebook: Integrating Climate Risks into UNEP Program and Project Planning
Characterization of Criteria Air Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors Associated with Energy Use in the USA: Sources, Assumptions, Methodology