CCR Group functions as an interconnected virtual network of specialists from leading international
institutions. Led by its president, Dr. Bill Dougherty, CCRG includes a range of Group members whose
expertise encompasses all topics related to confronting the climate change challenge, including regional climate modeling, greenhouse gas inventory development, greenhouse gas mitigation analysis, vulnerability and adaptation assessments, adaptation project formulation, and a range of capacity strengthening programs and technical backstopping support that is tailored to specific local needs. The current composition of the Group is summarized below:
Adaptify, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Ian Tellam)
American University of Ras El Khaimah, Ras El Khaimah, United Arab Emirates (Robert Arthur)
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Barcelona, Spain (Eckart Woertz)
Center for Climate Strategies, Washington, DC, USA (Tom Peterson, Steve Roe, David von Hippel)
Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland, Frostburg, MD, USA (Matt Fitzpatrick)
Fisheries Center, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (William Cheung, Daniel Pauly)
Global Climate Adaptation Partnership, Oxford, England (Tom Downing)
Global Climate Forum, Berlin, Germany (Jochen Hinkel, Daniel Lincke)
National Audubon Society, San Francisco, CA USA (Gregg Verutes)
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO, USA (David Yates, Andrew Monaghan, Daniel Steinhoff)
Oceanography Institute, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Jose Edson, Ilana Wainer, Bruno Ferarro)