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AGEDI Climate Change Inspectors

The Climate Change Inspectors were developed in order to make accessible the results of each of the 12 studies across r strategic themes under AGEDI’s Local, National, and Regional Climate Change Programme. A brief overview of each thematic Inspector is provided below:


  • Climate Inspectors: This Inspector hosts the results of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling and Regional Ocean Modeling sub-projects.

  • Environment Inspectors: There are two Inspectors, one on terrestrial biodiversity & climate change and the other on marine biodiversity & climate change.

  • Water Inspectors: There are three Inspectors, one on the Regional Water-Energy Nexus Inspector, one on the National Water-Energy Nexus Inspector, and one on the Al Ain Water Resource Management Inspector.


  • Coastal Inspectors: There are two Inspectors, one the Sea Level Rise Primer Inspector and the other on the Coastal Vulnerability Index a& Climate Change Inspector.


  • Socioeconomic Inspectors: There are three Inspectors, one on the Desalination & Climate Change Inspector, one on the the Food Security & Climate Change Inspector, and one on the Health Co-benefits Inspector.


There are 5 specific aims underlying each of the 12 Climate Inspectors. These aims were established in response to feedback received from AGEDI stakeholders and partners. They were reflected during the model design process in order to ensure, as much as possible, that the model's visual and substantive designs are closely aligned with priority concerns of policymakers and decision makers. A description of each aim is provided in the bullets below.


  • Consistency: This aim seeks to ensure that the model is designed to be consistent with the methodological approach, assumptions, and analytical steps documented in the various Final Technical Reports.


  • User-friendliness: This aim seeks to ensure that the information is easy to access and useful to experts for use in research as well as to policymakers for exploring implications of climate change at the local, national and regional levels.


  • Transparency: This aim seeks to ensure that the inputs and outputs for each of the studies are readily accessible for review.

  • Flexibility: This aim seeks to ensure that the Inspectors offers the capability to visualize the outputs via maps and animations.

  • Focused: This aim seeks to ensure that the Inspectors are highly aligned with the kinds of information needed by policymakers in the region to reduce the vulnerability of specific communities and systems to the adverse impacts of climate change.

Clicking on any icon on the home page opens the particular Inspector. The main menu for each Inspector consists of three options, as briefly described below:

  • Review Background: Clicking on this icon provides access to the various technical reports that were developed for the sub-project, as well as the members of the research team

  • Explore the Inspector: Clicking on this icon provides access to the Inspector itself. Each of the Inspectors has been designed to be as intuitive as possible. See the Help functions within the Inspector for further information


  • Go to useful online links: Clicking on this icon provides access to a numbers of links for relevant institutions and programmes for further information

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