Sea Level Rise & Climate Change
United Arab Emirates/Arabian Peninsula
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Sea level rise scenario
As part of a 2008 study commissioned by the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi entitled: "Climate Change: Impact, Vulnerability & Adaptation - Coastal Zones", the impact of sea level rise on the emirate of Abu Dhabi was quantified relative to the extent of inundation. To account for uncertainty in potential levels of sea level rise, the study adopted a scenario approach. Two plausible sea level scenarios for the years 2050 and 2100 were analyzed. Click on the links below to view a small sampling of the resulting inundations maps. For more information on the original study please contact the Environmental Agency - Abu Dhabi.
Scenario by 2050 by 2100
No accelerated ice cap melting 1.0 meters of sea level rise 2.0 meters of sea level rise
Accelerated ice cap melting 3.0 meters of sea level rise 9.0 meters of sea level rise
© 2009 Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi