Regional Climate Change Modeling
Review background & final reports - About the research team
An international team of experts from the National Center for Atmospheric Research was assembled to undertake the specific research activities associated with this sub-project. The project team consists of atmospheric scientists and climate impact specialists with proven research records in regional atmospheric modeling, data analysis and synthesis, and the use of climate projections in impact and adaptation research. The structure of the project team consists of a Principal Investigator (PI) and a Research Team. An overview of individual members of the project team is provided in the bullets below.
David Yates. David served as the Principal Investigator of the study. David is a Scientist in the Research Applications Laboratory at National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder Colorado where his role has been directing the regional climate modeling experiments and providing guidance and insight to the Project Scientists on needs and requirements. He was responsible for keeping the project on time and on budget, providing monthly reports, producing the final report, and generating user product datasets.
Dan Steinhoff. Dan is a Project Scientist in the Research Applications Laboratory at NCAR. He has ten years of experience in numerical weather prediction, regional-scale meteorology, and satellite data processing and analysis. His current research interests span regional-scale climate modeling, climate and infectious disease, and defense-related meteorological applications. He served as the primary WRF modeler.
Andrew Monaghan. Andy is an atmospheric scientist at NCAR, where his research interests include the use WRF and other model-based techniques to study climate-sensitive health and disease issues. Dr. Monaghan has a BS degree in civil engineering from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, and Masters and PhD degrees in atmospheric sciences from The Ohio State University.